
SlickLogin acquired by Google for sound-based authentication

Security is always a topic of hot discussion, and more so with a company like Google who host a lot of your information under one roof when it comes to Google+ and Gmail. It’s also of no secret that passwords are not secure, despite popular belief – every password can be brute-forced/guessed eventually.

With Google’s recent acquisition of SlickLogin, it seems Google are trying to move away from traditional passwords in an attempt to make logins and the information they protect more secure.

SlickLogin is a two-factor authentication system for your computer that uses your smartphone as the authenticator using inaudible tones to identify who you are. Your computer will play a series of tones that the human ear cannot distinguish, but your phone can, in order to authenticate you. Your device will analyse these tones and send back an authentication token back to the computer to proceed with the login.

Today we`re announcing that the SlickLogin team is joining Google, a company that shares our core beliefs that logging in should be easy instead of frustrating, and authentication should be effective without getting in the way. Google was the first company to offer 2-step verification to everyone, for free – and they’re working on some great ideas that will make the internet safer for everyone. We couldn`t be more excited to join their efforts.

Whilst this is not a move away from passwords completely – and it’ll probably be a while before this fully happens – it does show Google is taking security seriously and trying to find alternative ways of authenticating a user by using an additional secure peripheral.

I have a feeling security is going to play a big part in the next released version of Android 5.0.

The post SlickLogin acquired by Google for sound-based authentication appeared first on AndroidGuys.

by Dan Bartram via AndroidGuys
SlickLogin acquired by Google for sound-based authentication SlickLogin acquired by Google for sound-based authentication Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on February 17, 2014 Rating: 5

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