
Actor Josh Gad took programming courses to be Woz

Josh Gad playing Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in "jOBS"

(Credit: FiveStarFilms)

SAN FRANCISCO -- Last week it was revealed that actor Ashton Kutcher ended up in the hospital after going on an all-fruit diet to be like Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. It turns out, Kutcher's co-star Josh Gad went through some of his own method acting to channel Apple's other co-founder Steve Wozniak.

"I had to take programming classes," Gad told attendees at Macworld iWorld, during an on-stage interview with Kutcher. "Acting by its very nature is faking. You don't become that person unless you're psychotic"

Gad added that he "was as computer illiterate as Steve Wozniak was computer literate."

Kutcher, for his part, said he spent more than 100 hours listening to recordings of Jobs, including the creation of a file on audio sharing service SoundCloud that was a greatest hits of presentations, interviews, and other public speeches.

"I started walking around repeating what he said to other people," Kutcher said, garnering laughter from a packed room of attendees.

The interview comes less than a week after the premiere of "jOBS", which was the closing night film at the Sundance Film Festival. The movie has received mixed reviews, with many critics finding fault in the story, but not necessarily Kutcher's performance as the iconic CEO. ... [Read more]

by Josh Lowensohn via CNET

Actor Josh Gad took programming courses to be Woz Actor Josh Gad took programming courses to be Woz Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on January 31, 2013 Rating: 5

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