(Credit: Twitter/Screenshot by Lance Whitney/CNET)
Anonymous may have convinced the Westboro Baptist Church to cancel its planned protest of the funeral of Aaron Swartz.
A day after the news came out that the 26-year-old online activist had committed suicide, the members of WBC stated their intention to picket his funeral, which took place yesterday.
A press release on the group's Web site and Twitter feed revealed the location of the funeral and said: "Cyber criminals are the latest face of this nation's and this world's raging at God and His Servants at WBC. When you raging rebels give these cyber criminals encouragement in their crimes against WBC, God turns their crimes on you. What to do? Now the gloves are off, cyber rebels!"
The WBC's picket schedule no longer lists Swartz's funeral. But the picket notice was posted by the Atlantic Wire.
"WBC will picket a lawful distance from this fag, Jew bastard whose entire life was an assault against God," the gr... [Read more]
by Lance Whitney via CNET
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