
Because You Believed – Our Journey to BlackBerry 10

Our journey to BlackBerry 10

As I sit here in New York City preparing for and anticipating the BlackBerry 10 launch tomorrow, I just wanted to take some time to reflect and thank Team BlackBerry. It has been a roller coaster year for all of us, yet your dedication and belief in us did not waiver. BlackBerry 10 is built just for you, and it’s literally right around the corner.

The messages and notes of encouragement that we receive from the millions of you who follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, and read the Inside BlackBerry Blog daily, do not fall on deaf ears. We hear you loud and clear, and your words are shared with employees across the company and around the globe – all the way up to Thorsten Heins himself. Simply put, you are the fuel behind BlackBerry 10, giving all of us that extra boost of energy when we need it most.

Seriously…what reason could you have to not love @BlackBerry #BB10? Fast, functional, flowing…FANTASTIC! #BB10Believe #TeamBlackBerry@ChazBerryJam

A phone is not a phone anymore; it’s a portal to social networks, media and work. That is the future of #mobilecomputing. @BlackBerry #BB10@lombaki

@UK_BlackBerry January 30 is not marked on my calendar. It is etched into my brain. #BlackBerry10 #BeHere@BB10VW

You’ve been on this journey with us – from the first previews at BlackBerry World 2012, to every stop of the epic (and I don’t use that term lightly) BlackBerry Jam World Tour. We’ve teased, previewed, showcased, and sneak-peeked a lot. And although we had fun dropping hints, tomorrow is the day you get to finally experience BlackBerry 10.

It wasn’t too long ago when you stood up and declared, “I’m Proud to Be #TeamBlackBerry”. We are honored to have such a dedicated group of fans in our corner. That fighting spirit I wrote about just months ago has brought us here. We will (try to) go to sleep tonight, and tomorrow the sun will rise on a new day for the company and BlackBerry fans alike. We’ve re-designed, re-engineered and re-invented our products with BlackBerry 10 – and we can’t wait to share it all with you tomorrow.

by Donny H. via Inside BlackBerry
Because You Believed – Our Journey to BlackBerry 10 Because You Believed – Our Journey to BlackBerry 10 Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on January 29, 2013 Rating: 5

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