
Call of Duty player screams 'Help!'; police arrive

I wonder if the police looked like this.

(Credit: CallofDuty/YouTube Screenshot by Chris Matyszczyk/CNET)

Gamers are emotional.

They live in the moment. And sometimes they die in the moment -- which leads to self-expression, occasionally involving shouts, screams, and the rending of garments.

One Call of Duty player in Sweden though, may not have been prepared for the result of his pained outburst.

Kotaku directs me toward the reporting of Sweden's the Local, which describes how a group of teens were playing Call Of Duty and quite naturally became vocal.

More Technically Incorrect

Call of Duty player screams 'Help!'; police arrive Call of Duty player screams 'Help!'; police arrive Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on January 30, 2013 Rating: 5

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