I haven’t been joking when stating in every Fire Emblem: Awakening article I’ve written that its release date is also the day I’ll be buying my very first Nintendo 3DS. I am super pumped for more Fire Emblem in English, and it seems Nintendo knows fans like me exist.
Thanks to a leaked Game Informer ad, we all now know Nintendo will be giving fans who do not yet own a Nintendo 3DS a chance to buy the latest Fire Emblem game bundled with the system, much like the Japan release. As with most Nintendo bundles, the game will be installed directly into the handheld, so there will be no need to purchase a physical copy of the game.
The only drawback is that the bundle only comes with the original model of the Nintendo 3DS, not the recently released XL version. What’s the point in playing Fire Emblem: Awakening if airplane passengers flying overhead can’t see me fail the tough battles over and over again on my massive Nintendo 3DS XL screen?
Not to mention, I’m a stickler for my physical boxes. Call me old fashioned, but I love a clean, nicely organized video game shelf, and I prefer to hit up GameStop or Best Buy any day of the week before purchasing a game through digital channels.
Still, that design and color sure are cool. If you’re a Fire Emblem fan and are still on the fence about purchasing a Nintendo 3DS, does this bundle push you in either direction?
I’ll be sticking to my guns and buying both Fire Emblem: Awakening and a Nintendo 3DS on February 5th. Whether it’s the physical game and an XL or this slick looking bundle, I still have an entire month to think about it. I should also be considering my backup 3DS just in case another Fire Emblem games forces me to chuck my handheld over a balcony. Ugh, these games are hard.
via TechnoBuffalo http://www.technobuffalo.com/2013/01/11/fire-emblem-awakening-getting-a-sweet-nintendo-3ds-bundle/
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