The gauntlet has lasers in the palm and in a retractable forearm shooter. No, it doesn't let you fly too.
(Credit: Patrick Priebe )
What are you going to do to mark the upcoming release of "Iron Man 3"? If you're superfan Patrick Priebe, you build your own Iron Man laser gauntlet.
As a 6-foot-tall, Mohawk-sporting hockey player, Priebe can come across as intimidating. His penchant for making laser weapons doesn't help much either.
His Web site showcases his passion for the science fiction and video games, a passion reflected in his jaw-dropping creations -- guns that fire laser beams as well as laser-guided crossbows.
His latest creation is the Iron Man Laser Gauntlet, which fits over Priebe's forearm. It fires lasers, not anti-tank missiles.
Done up in classic Iron Man red and gold, it works on two lithium-ion batteries that power the lasers, a slider mechanism, and an LED knob. It fires two 1.2-watt blue lasers, one where the palm repulsor would be and one over the forearm, as well as two 4-mW red aiming lasers.
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by Tim Hornyak via CNET
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