
Google+ one-ups rivals with zoomable photos

Google+ lets people zoom into larger photos with a mouse scroll wheel then pan once zoomed in. A graphic to the upper left fades in to show what portion of the image is visible.

(Credit: screenshot by Stephen Shankland/CNET)

Google, which found early success for Google+ among photographers and working to keep them happily sharing on its social network, has added the ability to zoom into pictures.

Flickr, Facebook, and other photo-sharing sites offer a larger view of photos, but it's usually at least one click away from the smaller photo that shows by default. Google offers that ability, and last night went one step further by letting people use the mouse scroll wheel to dive further into a photo.

Once zoomed in, clicking and dragging lets people pan around to explore the photo at the deeper zoom level.

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Google+ one-ups rivals with zoomable photos Google+ one-ups rivals with zoomable photos Reviewed by News Tracker on January 09, 2013 Rating: 5

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