
Grab your own Goatse e-mail address for shock value

If you don't know what Goatse is, I'm not going to tell you. You'll just have to google it on your own, preferably when you're not at work and preferably with the incognito setting on your browser turned on. Everyone else can gather around as we marvel at one of the weirdest Indiegogo projects to ever top its funding goal.

You have less than two weeks left to pledge $50 to get your very own e-mail address. Your personal address will work with your existing Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, or account using the "send as" feature built into those mail programs. Reply e-mails will return to your regular account. The administrator will maintain a forwarding service as well.

We must now speculate as to what you would want a e-mail address for. The $50 pledge is good for at least 10 years of e-mail service, so you may just want to keep it in your back pocket (so to speak) for a special occasion.

This is the perfect e-mail address for sending missives to people who are in on the joke. It may also give ... [Read more]

by Amanda Kooser via CNET

Grab your own Goatse e-mail address for shock value Grab your own Goatse e-mail address for shock value Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on January 22, 2013 Rating: 5

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