
If a Photo Is Worth 1,000 Words, Vine Gives Tweeters at Least 6,000

While Twitter allows users to communicate in 140 characters or less, its new app Vine extends and enhances that brevity while retaining the social networking roots of Twitter. So what is Vine, exactly? It's a service that lets you take super short video clips and share them with the world of Vine users. Plus, it lets you connect Vine to your Twitter feed so that you can tweet your Vine videos to your Twitter followers -- but you don't have to use Twitter to use Vine.

by Chris Maxcer via TechNewsWorld
If a Photo Is Worth 1,000 Words, Vine Gives Tweeters at Least 6,000 If a Photo Is Worth 1,000 Words, Vine Gives Tweeters at Least 6,000 Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on January 28, 2013 Rating: 5

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