(Credit: 9News Colorado Screenshot by Chris Matyszczyk/CNET)
It's sometimes easy to forget that teachers are human beings.
They do things human beings do. You know, like get drunk, take drugs, and make mistakes.
The question now is which of these, if any, might have been perpetrated by Colorado math teacher Carly McKinney.
McKinney was behind the Twitter account @carly_crunkbear. It is gone now. But, as 9News in Colorado reports, it used to bear some very fine and slightly crunky tweets.
There were, for example, semi-nude pictures of McKinney herself, as well as interesting thoughts such as: "Just got called Ms. McCutie. Points for being clever, however you are still jailbait."
Oh, and then there were the references to drugs.
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by Chris Matyszczyk via CNET
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