
Saudi Blogger Won't Face Death on Apostasy Accusation

A court in Saudi Arabia reportedly has declined to hear the case of Raif Badawi, a liberal blogger who was accused of apostasy. Apostasy,defined as the abandonment of one's faith, is a particularly grievous charge in Islam. Had it been so inclined, the court that turned down the case could have sentenced Badawi to death. As it stands, Badawi's charge was referred to a lower court. Badawi was arrested last year for such dastardly deeds as Liking a Facebook page for Arab Christians and declaring May 7 a "day for Saudi liberals."

by David Vranicar via TechNewsWorld
Saudi Blogger Won't Face Death on Apostasy Accusation Saudi Blogger Won't Face Death on Apostasy Accusation Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on January 23, 2013 Rating: 5

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