Like most folks, I've made 'enthusiastic' commitments to be more resolute in staying healthy this year. Such crazy claims include getting off the buttocks and working out, eating healthy, and other life-changing nonsense. Recently, one of my friends started this diet called the TAO Diet, which stands for Ten and One. The premise is simple: You eat ten salads and one meal of whatever you please. Then rinse and repeat.
I've come to realize that I'm an an attention seeking and easily distracted geek with a healthy track record of... falling off track. But rather than giving up that easily, here are three apps that I've been personally utilizing to keep myself in check and even make the process more bearable.
Accountability: Instagram
How can Instagram help with weight loss? Simple: accountability. One requirement of the TAO Diet is to post a picture of every salad meal you have online. Believe it or not, salads look damn pretty on camera. Take a picture, slap on a filter, label it and post it online. It's obnoxious, but people will take notice to comment and like your photos. Community is a powerful motivational tool, so take advantage of your social network and leverage their short attention spans. The comments and feedback alone will hold you responsible to your word. Compliments can make you feel all warm and fuzzy... [Read more]
by Eddie Cho via CNET
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