Here he is, watching out for miscreants -- and spies perhaps.
(Credit: Chris Matyszczyk/CNET)
I've watched a few Bourne movies and read quite a bit of John Le Carre.
If I've learned anything -- a substantial if, of course -- it's that if someone accuses you of being a spy, it's best not to act paranoid.
The best spies are those whom you would never suspect of being anything but cheery, nice, and self-effacing.
It was with a little discomfort, therefore, that I found myself at Huawei's booth both yesterday and today.
It's not that the company's products don't look frightfully interesting. They look remarkably similar to frightfully interesting products from quite a few other companies.
But there was a gray-haired man wandering the booth who looked suspiciously formal.
He was wearing a logo that was not Huawei's. I could make out the words "Special Operations" on it.
Being of hardy soul, but naive head, I engaged him in a chat. He confirmed to me that Huawei had asked for extra security at the show.
Why? Because they have proprietary technology in their products and they don't want anyone to steal it.
"We already had BlackBerry here this morning," the security man told me.
I had been unaware that BlackBerry sends its employees out to trade conferences to rip phones from their moorings. I had always thought Canadians to be ... [Read more]
by Chris Matyszczyk via CNET
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