
Zooming options for Safari in OS X

When browsing the Web you may find text or images to be too small for you, and you may wish to increase their size or otherwise adjust the browser so you can properly see the content.

Though each browser has its own options for making text and images more legible, there are a few approaches in Safari that are a bit uncommon and not only help you zoom in and adjust what you are seeing, but also allow you to manage tabs and other content you are viewing.

Systemwide zoom The first option for zooming in Safari is to use the systemwide zoom option in OS X. By holding the Control key and scrolling up or down (or by pressing Option-Command-8 to enable zoom followed by Option-Command-plus/minus to zoom in or out), you can increase or decrease the zoom level in the system.

While convenient, this option does have some drawbacks. For one, it doesn't change the displayed image resolution, so as you zoom the pixels in the image will get larger instead of getting any crisper. In addition, this display mode will constrain the window to your desktop and require you to move your mouse around to view hidden content beyond the extent of your display.

Content resize As with most browsers, Safari contains a quick way to zoom in on content by holding the Command key and then pressing the plus or minus buttons. This will proportionally increase the size of text and images, though at times it may result in relative changes that can change the layout of the i... [Read more]

by Topher Kessler via CNET

Zooming options for Safari in OS X Zooming options for Safari in OS X Reviewed by News Tracker on January 15, 2013 Rating: 5

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