
Best BlackBerry Apps for Freelancers

For freelancers – the one-person profit centers that take business into their own hands – keeping existing clients happy while adding new ones can be especially challenging. While talking with a freelance app developer recently, my friend asked about which BlackBerry apps are best for freelancers. Naturally I thought this would make for a great app list on the Inside BlackBerry Blog, so here are a few great apps to help freelancers do everything from managing their time to transferring files. And since we know freelancers work on a tight budget, all of the following apps are free to download:

timr – Time and Mileage Tracker by troii Software GmbH: timr is a project time tracker app for BlackBerry smartphones that includes a web application component for syncing your data whether you are at home or on the go. If you travel across time zones, timr can adjust your work clock to ensure accurate billing of your clients. It’s like having a pocket project manager.

Box for BlackBerry PlayBook by Box, Inc.: Box allows you to create your files on your BlackBerry PlayBook tablet, laptop, or desktop, then access and edit the files from anywhere. Since portable hard drives can be dropped and flash drives can be easily lost, Box for BlackBerry PlayBook makes sure you have access to your files anytime and anywhere.

Freelancer’s Estimation Assistance Tool by M Khurram: This helpful app for your BlackBerry PlayBook tablet – called FEAT by its developer – allows you to quickly calculate your hourly rate for a project when creating a quote for a potential client. It’s a relatively new app to the BlackBerry World storefront, but the interface looks slick. I think it’s got a bright future.

xLancer by Zhaidarbek Ayazbayev by Handster Inc.: The folks at Handster are known for bringing some quality apps to the BlackBerry World storefront, and xLancer is certainly one of the more useful apps for freelancers. By connecting with online freelance site Elance, xLancer offers a more robust set of tools for searching and flagging jobs in which you are bidding on or offering to other freelancers.

Color LED by DAN INFO TECH: I love this app for dividing my contacts into LED colors on my BlackBerry smartphone. Coworkers’ calls flash red, family flashes green, and when my boss calls…“police strobe.” These classifications allow me to know who’s calling even while my device is on the other side of the room. How does this help a freelancer? Imagine different color LEDs for current clients, clients you’ve quoted, and for personal calls. Could be pretty helpful, right?

Though this list is geared toward freelancers, those of us working with an organization could probably benefit from these as well. Freelancers, feel free to share any additional apps you use to keep your clients, and thus your life, organized.

by Donny H. via Inside BlackBerry
Best BlackBerry Apps for Freelancers Best BlackBerry Apps for Freelancers Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on February 19, 2013 Rating: 5

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