
Calling all IR apps!

One of the most exciting features of the newly unveiled HTC One is its built in IR (Infrared) capabilities. Today HTCDev is excited to announce the addition of an IR API to the HTC OpenSense SDK.

This new partner API will be offered upon request to developers looking to leverage IR for potential apps on the new HTC One.

The first use for IR in the new HTC One is Sense TV. Part of Sense 5, Sense TV leverages the built in IR port on the device and allows you to control your TV and home entertainment center directly from phone. Additionally, Sense TV pulls together a TV guide based on the user’s geo-location.


So when you’re traveling, the TV guide is updated with local content on the phone and you can start browsing and watching programs. Right out of the box, your new phone has all the capabilities of a universal TV remote and more.

This new API allows your phone to “learn” the key codes from your remote or other IR-capable device and then control it. With the expanding use of IR, your apps could easily adapt to new hardware such as printers, DSLR cameras, real estate lock boxes and many more.

And now we’re looking for developers interested in integrating with this new API. Got an app that you think would be well suited for the IR API? Fill out this form and we’ll send you more information! Be sure to note you’re interested in the IR API specifically and if you have a current app that might be a good fit (or if you just have a great idea)!

In the meantime, stay tuned to HTCdev for more details about the API in the coming weeks and make sure you follow HTCDev on Twitter.

by Leigh Momii via HTC Blog
Calling all IR apps! Calling all IR apps! Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on February 21, 2013 Rating: 5

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