
Expand your entertainment horizons with TasteKid

Finding a discovery engine that is actually useful is rare. In my experience, they either spit out vague, useless recommendations or they return results so predictable as to prevent discovery. Thus, it was with trepidation I approached TasteKid. Turns out that underneath its odd name, TasteKid boasts an engine that successfully occupies the fertile ground between pointless and predictable.

(Credit: Screenshot by Matt Elliott/CNET)

Head to and try it for yourself. Front and center, you'll find a search box and seven tabs, six of which let you narrow your search to music, movies, TV shows, books, authors, and games. You can also mix and match. For example, you can find books you might like by searching for a movie you particularly enjoyed or vice versa. You can also enter multiple search terms, separating each by a comma. TasteKid helpfully makes suggestions as you enter a search query, though its knowledge of the entertainment landscape is not exhaustive. It didn't know who Joshua Ferris was, for example, whose novel "The Unnamed" I will recommend to you on my own.

TasteKid returns between roughly a dozen to 17 recommendations per search, though I wish there was a way to get additional results beyond this initial batch. Clicking on one of the recommendations opens a pop-up window with a summary from Wikipedia along with Like, Dislike, Save, and Meh buttons. These ... [Read more]

by Matt Elliott via CNET How To

Expand your entertainment horizons with TasteKid Expand your entertainment horizons with TasteKid Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on February 13, 2013 Rating: 5

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