
Feedback: Thank You for Sharing

Last December I asked what topics you’d like to see covered on the Inside BlackBerry Blog, and you responded in a big way. While reading your feedback I saw a few trends emerge for topics you’d like to see covered. Here’s a glimpse on what you can expect from the Inside BlackBerry Blog:

Theme 1: BlackBerry 10 app of the week or featured app – I love this idea, and I’m starting to research BlackBerry 10 apps to feature as we speak. Expect to see the first installment in the coming weeks.

Theme 2: BlackBerry 10 focus on features – Great idea! We’ve already begun focusing on features like the Time Shift camera, BlackBerry Hub and BlackBerry Flow, as well as the ability to peek into apps and into the Hub. Stay tuned for more in the future.

Theme 3: Media, media, media – Several readers asked if we could show some more of the multimedia capabilities of BlackBerry devices. We absolutely can, and we’re already in the process of developing new blog posts on how to use your BlackBerry device to take the best pictures and videos. In addition, we plan to bring more video interviews to explain how these technologies are developed.

Theme 4: What kind of user are you? – While we still want to use our Fan of the Month feature to give a nod to our Super Fans, we also think it’s a great idea to feature users of other types as well. The Road Warrior, the Busy Executive, the Creative Guru, the Social Butterfly, the Celebrity…we’ll talk to all of them and let them tell you how they use their BlackBerry devices.

What do you think? If the feedback you provided wasn’t included among the themes listed, don’t worry, you might see a new blog post on exactly your topic in the coming months. Buckle up, it’s going to be a wild ride!

Here’s another chance to make your voice heard; share your thoughts and suggestions in the comments below!

by Donny H. via Inside BlackBerry
Feedback: Thank You for Sharing Feedback: Thank You for Sharing Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on February 15, 2013 Rating: 5

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