Admit it. You've always wanted to love like John Travolta.
(Credit: Screenshot by Chris Matyszczyk/CNET)
Romance isn't dead.
It's merely been reduced to the level of a friend request, a poke, and a privacy control.
Often in that order.
How else can one interpret the staggeringly predictable research -- performed on behalf of SOASTA, the oddly named company that performs cloud and mobile testing -- that suggests more than a third of American human beings will send an e-card for Valentine's Day?
It's true that some e-cards can be amusing, uplifting, even offering an instant surprise on an otherwise moribund day. But can they truly incite a loving feeling on America's most commercially amorous day of the year?
You will be stunned into loving only yourself for the rest of your days when I tell you that -- of the 2,474 American adults surveyed -- men seem a little keener on Valentine e-cards than women.
Indeed, this research offered that 47 percent of men between the ages of 35 and 44 indicated that the love of their life deserved merely a few clicks and a canned expression of love.
Next in enthusiasm were men aged 18-34, 41 percent of whom will let their fingers do the loving.
But let's not besmirch these men any more than they deserve. 41 percent of women aged 18-34 also claimed... [Read more]
by Chris Matyszczyk via CNET
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