
Get help choosing a movie on Netflix with a Chrome extension

Would you like to know what lazy looks like? It looks like me and my wife on a Friday night, worn out from a long week, lying on our respective couches in front of the TV after getting the kids in bed and cleaning up the kitchen, too tired to browse Netflix for something to watch. We are terrible at managing our queue, and many nights we don't fire up a movie on Netflix because of the browsing and agreeing process it requires. The following Chrome extension may not help you reach an accord with your significant other during the movie-selection process (there's Foundd for that), but it can help you weed out poorly received titles.

(Credit: Screenshot by Matt Elliott/CNET)

With the Netflix Rate Chrome extension, you get two other data points to help guide your search: IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes ratings. Mouse over a boxshot on Netflix when you are signed into your account or hover over a link in your queue, and you'll get IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes ratings next to the standard Netflix user rating for a movie or TV show. You'll see the standard 10-point IMDB rating and the audience rating from Rotten Tomatoes (the percentage of users who rated the movi... [Read more]

by Matt Elliott via CNET

Get help choosing a movie on Netflix with a Chrome extension Get help choosing a movie on Netflix with a Chrome extension Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on February 05, 2013 Rating: 5

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