
Google Finally Takes on Siri with Nexus 4 Ad, "Live in the Now"

We all know Google Now is a pretty nifty feature, but it's not as well-publicized as you may think. That's why it's so significant that Google has finally created a prime-time commercial showing off the features ofGoogle Now. The ad played last night during the Grammys and you can watch it below:

What I especially like about the ad is how it shows off the ways in which Google Now can be helpful while traveling. I was thrilled how well the app worked the last time I went abroad. Not only did it accurately tell me that my flight was delayed, I could see currency conversion, translations of common phrases and the time back home; literally the most important things one wants to know while abroad.
Apple, in contrast, spend months hyping up Siri's voice services, even after the release of the superior Google Now. Siri became a pop-cultural icon, while Google Now was mainly embraced by a smaller group of Android fans. Maybe this ad will help Google stage a turnaround.
According to recently released stats, Android 4.2 Jelly Bean and Google Now is only running on 13.6% of devices. It is, however, available to all Nexus 4, 7 and 10 owners.
What do you think of the ad? Do you think it was effective or do you think Google could have shown even cooler features, such as Google Now's graph search? Let us know below!

by Steven Blum via AndroidPIT News
Google Finally Takes on Siri with Nexus 4 Ad, "Live in the Now" Google Finally Takes on Siri with Nexus 4 Ad, "Live in the Now" Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on February 11, 2013 Rating: 5

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