
HTC One, Xperia Z, Optimus G Pro: the S4 needs to stand its ground

HTC has just revealed what will remain at the top of the totem pole for the rest of the year: the new HTC ONE. A priori, this device is doing well. Really well for that matter. He joins the rest of the group of 2013's impressive smartphone trailblazers, alongside the Sony Xperia Z and LG Optimus G Pro, which were presented earlier this week. The three musketeers might blow the competition out of the water, which might give the future Samsung Galaxy a run for its money. But which of the three will rise to the top?

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by Loie Favre via AndroidPIT News
HTC One, Xperia Z, Optimus G Pro: the S4 needs to stand its ground HTC One, Xperia Z, Optimus G Pro: the S4 needs to stand its ground Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on February 20, 2013 Rating: 5

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