Junior High School 80, where the principal is El Siki.
(Credit: Google Street View)
We all have an alter ego.
For some of us, it comes out when the drinks are flowing and the inhibitions have taken a vacation.
For Emmaneul Polanco, principal of Junior High School 80 in the Bronx, it comes out when he makes rap videos and posts them online, hangs out with comely ladies, and parties as a good rapper should -- at least if a report in the New York Daily News is to be believed.
According to the report, Polanco uses the name El Siki, and in music videos, he raps in Spanish about the things rappers like to rap about -- you know, pressing against other bodies, getting it on, and making love.
Subjects that, say, Elvis Presley broached more than once.
El Siki is seen dancing sexily. He is seen in seductive poses with women in evening wear.
Naturally, the minute some parents discovered his nighttime amusements, shock and rage filled the air.
"Someone has to hold this guy accountable," Cecilia Donovan, the mother of a seventh-grader told the Daily News. "It's ridiculous what he's doing there."As the Daily News reports it, that wonderful phrase "role model," has reared its features.
It is, indeed, ridiculous.
We all, though, enjoy ridiculous pursuits on occasion.
Just as there are parents whose saucy nighttime games with the Radcliffes across the road might not meet with universal approval, so there are school principals who indulge their rapping tendencies.
What might also be pertinent is that no one seems sure when he made the videos or whether he is still pursuing his rapping career. (I've contacted Junior High School 80 for comment on the Daily News report and will update this post when I hear back.)
But the mere fact that these videos have been discovered on YouTube (I couldn't find any remaining when I searched, but the Daily News says it obtained them) has been enough for the school to investigate whether Polanco -- who has worked in public schools since 2003 -- is any better a role model than Charles Barkley.
Or even Gnarls Barkley.
Some might think the most important criterion might be how well he's doing as a school principal.
A naive thought, that.
Parents appalled that school principal is sexy YouTube rapper
Reviewed by Ossama Hashim
February 09, 2013
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