
Sandberg turned down job as LinkedIn CEO in 2006

In the summer of 2006, Sheryl Sandberg, then an accomplished senior Google executive, received a call from LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman. LinkedIn was searching for a new chief executive. Was she interested?


"I thought it was a great opportunity, and after five years in the same position at Google I was ready for a new challenge," she said. "But the timing was tricky. I was 37 years old and wanted to have a second child. I told Reid the truth: regrettably, I had to pass...."

A few years later, Mark Zuckerberg came knocking; the rest is history. The LinkedIn tidbit comes courtesy of The Wall Street Journal, which got an advance look at Sandberg's new book, "Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead." The book will be released March 11. [Read more]

by Charles Cooper via CNET

Sandberg turned down job as LinkedIn CEO in 2006 Sandberg turned down job as LinkedIn CEO in 2006 Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on February 06, 2013 Rating: 5

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