The first two 'Star Wars' spinoffs are said to be about Han Solo and Boba Fett.
(Credit: Illustration by James Martin/CNET)
The first two "Star Wars" spin-off films will focus on Han Solo's origin story, and the "rogue's gallery of galactic scum" in bounty hunter Boba Fett's world, Entertainment Weekly reported today.
Yesterday, Disney announced that it would be releasing a series of spin-off films built around individual "Star Wars" characters and produced alongside three forthcoming full-length "Star Wars" sequels. According to EW, the first two side projects will be about a young Han Solo and about Boba Fett.
"Several sources close to the projects confirmed this was the direction the development was taking," EW wrote, "although each cautioned it's still very early in the process, and, well, the deal could always be altered further."
Neither Disney nor Lucasfilm immediately responded to a request for comment from CNET.
Though Disney's announcement yesterday left out any mention of which characters would be the subjects of the new mov... [Read more]
by Daniel Terdiman via CNET
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