
Architecture Feature: Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru For more...

Architecture Feature: Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru

For more photos from the Welsh Assembly, check out the #senedd hashtag and National Assembly for Wales location page.

The Welsh National Assembly (Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru) in Cardiff, Wales, houses the legislative body of Welsh government. The building itself, known as the Senedd, was designed by architect Richard Rogers as an energy-efficient building seated directly on the waters of Cardiff Bay. The building features a distinctive undulating ceiling and large central “funnel” made of Welsh red cedar and over 1,000 tons of Welsh slate floors. Under the funnel lies a public viewing gallery from which the public can watch the proceedings of the 60 Assembly Members as they debate.

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Architecture Feature: Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru For more... Architecture Feature: Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru For more... Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on March 01, 2013 Rating: 5

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