
Better Balance Equals Better BYOD Living

BlackBerry Balance and BYOD

Does your company allow you to use your personal smartphone for work? If so, that’s great! A good Bring Your Own Device, or BYOD, program can be your best friend. It allows you to carry a single mobile device for all your company and personal messaging. Plus, since this is your personal smartphone, you can keep your social media apps, photos, videos, and more in the palm of your hand. My buddy Luke writes about BYOD programs and our tool called BlackBerry Balance on the Inside BlackBerry for Business Blog, and I’d like to talk about how companies and employees can get the most out of this type of program. Check out the video below for how it works.

As employees, we reap the benefits of a BYOD program, but don’t often see the potential shortcomings. For instance, what happens to your personal data when you leave your job? Obviously the “work data” on the device is what’s important to your company, but for the sake of security, your company may wipe the entire device upon your departure.

This is where BlackBerry Balance really shines. Your work data and personal data are kept separate, right down to the DNA of the BlackBerry 10 device. If you move on in your career or lose your device, BlackBerry Balance allows you to wipe or erase one set of data without affecting the other set. Your sales charts and cat memes stay in separate buckets, just like nature intended. How’s that for work/life balance?

How will you use this technology? Shout out in the comments below!

by Donny H. via Inside BlackBerry
Better Balance Equals Better BYOD Living Better Balance Equals Better BYOD Living Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on March 05, 2013 Rating: 5

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