
BlackBerry 10 Tech Reviews


Back in January, before we introduced BlackBerry 10 to the world, I wrote a blog post about Five Reasons to Tune in for BlackBerry 10. I had been writing so much about BlackBerry 10 that I wanted to show you that I wasn’t alone, and that tech bloggers and media were already posting positive BlackBerry 10 reviews. Well, it’s time for an update. Now that more tech bloggers and media have a BlackBerry 10 device in their hands, I wanted to recap some of their great feedback on our new device and updated OS.

Here are some snippets from the tech blogosphere on BlackBerry 10 features:

1. “There’s no question here that BlackBerry knows just how important app selection is the future of its company, and as such, has been working overtime to make developers a key focus, with a hundred or so members of its evangelist team.”

2. “I spend much of my time on my smartphone and tablet devices writing emails, IMs and texts, which means as accurate as I try to be when I’m typing, I probably make more mistakes than I would like to admit. The keyboard on the BlackBerry Z10 is one of the major highlights of the device as the more I typed with the keyboard, the better it was at predicting text that I was in the process of writing.”

3. “I am really excited by the message hub in (BlackBerry) 10, I think there are some serious innovations there that any power smartphone user would find really beneficial.”

4. “BlackBerry, the company formerly known as Research in Motion, has made [a] reinvention, resurrecting the …BlackBerry platform in its new BlackBerry 10 OS and the BlackBerry Z10 smartphone that runs it. Now shipping in the United States, the BlackBerry Z10 is a good smartphone, one worthy of consideration for both personal and business use.”

5. “The BlackBerry Z10 is an otherworldly treat, a combination of blood, sweat and gears combined into a user-friendly smartphone that is fast, accessible and brimming with a heady catalyst of ideas. Here’s a BlackBerry you can finally be proud to own…This phone is more than specs, it evokes a feeling of joy.”

6. “The benefit of the [Time Shift Camera] is to eliminate group photos that are spoiled because one person blinked or had a goofy expression. Just zoom in on [someone’s] face, rewind a second to where his eyes are open and his tongue isn’t hanging out, and you have the perfect family photo. In my review of the Z10 , I found the feature, made possible by the phone’s dual-core processor and BlackBerry 10 software, to work as promised.”

The reviews keep coming. Tell us what you think of the BlackBerry Z10 in the comments below.

by Donny H. via Inside BlackBerry
BlackBerry 10 Tech Reviews BlackBerry 10 Tech Reviews Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on March 20, 2013 Rating: 5

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