
Distortion Free Recording with HTC One

It’s the concert of the year, easily the best seat in the house, and you pull out your smartphone to create the perfect live video of your favorite song. When you try to share the video later the harsh reality sets in; the sound is completely distorted and you can’t share this video with anyone.

Or, perhaps you’re at the back of the classroom, trying to record the professor’s final lecture before the big test, only to find the recording produced a lot of “hiss” and an unintelligible voice from the front of the room.

That is, until now, with the new HTC One and our built-in “dual-membrane” microphones.


Today’s smartphones are built using a “single-membrane” microphone that determines the overall recording limits; which can focus on:

  • High sensitivity, which impacts sound quality at very low volumes (as measured by Sound to Noise Ratio (SNR)).

  • Increased capability to capture high audio levels, which impacts recordings at high volume (as measured by Sound Pressure Level (SPL)).

In our concert example, this single membrane approach means high volume audio cannot be captured clearly (or isn’t captured at all) as the audio system will shut down the microphone when the pressure level gets to high.

Whether your recording a concert video or trying to capture intimate settings, the last thing you want is distortion or hissing.

With the introduction of BoomSound in the new HTC One, we solve this challenge by delivering two dual-membrane MEMS microphones to record audio. Why does this matter? With this design, each membrane serves a specific purpose, one focused on high-sensitivity while the other is focused on high sound pressure.

Dual-MembraneMics copy

After the two signals have been combined, background noise is greatly reduced, which increases the overall sound quality of the recording. After all, no one wants to huddle around a phone to hear a distorted concert.

by Larry Meadows via HTC Blog
Distortion Free Recording with HTC One Distortion Free Recording with HTC One Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on March 06, 2013 Rating: 5

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