
Drag, drop, and rock with Couch Music Player for iPad

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I'm too lazy to make playlists. Plus, I like to experience albums in their entirety. For times when I want to listen to a mix of songs, I typically pick a genre in my iTunes library and hit shuffle (or use Pandora or Spotify's radio feature). Given my playlist aversion, I was excited to put Couch Music Player to the test, a new music app for the iPad whose chief purpose is to make the playlist creation process so easy that even lazy people like me will undertake it.

Couch Music Player costs $1.99. It features a two-column view that works in either landscape or portrait mode. The left column lists the music you have stored locally on your iPad. You can view by artist, album, or by song, and there is also a search function. On the right are your playlists, or queues as Couch Music Player calls them. (An apt t... [Read more]

by Matt Elliott via CNET How To

Drag, drop, and rock with Couch Music Player for iPad Drag, drop, and rock with Couch Music Player for iPad Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on March 22, 2013 Rating: 5

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