
Edit or comment before you retweet with Classic Retweet

I don't always retweet, but when I do, I prefer Classic Retweet.

If you use Twitter's standard Web interface, then you have probably grown tired of manually retweeting -- with the cutting, and the pasting, and the typing -- in order to edit or add comment when sharing another's post. With the Classic Retweet extension for Chrome or for Firefox, you get a Tweet window with editable text, helping to streamline the retweeting process.

(Credit: Screenshot by Matt Elliott/CNET)

After installing the extension and refreshing your Twitter page, mouse over a Tweet in your feed and you'll see a "Classic RT" link has been added between the Reply and Retweet links. Clicking on this link opens a new Tweet window with the text of the tweet you aim to retweet, preceded by an RT and the user's Twitter handle. (In contrast, the standard Retweet link calls up a Retweet window where the text is not editable.) Classic Retweet also highlights any characters in red that exceed Twitter's 140-character limit.

(Credit: Screenshot by Matt Elliott/CNET)

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by Matt Elliott via CNET How To

Edit or comment before you retweet with Classic Retweet Edit or comment before you retweet with Classic Retweet Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on March 26, 2013 Rating: 5

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