
Get started with Facebook's revamped News Feed

Though it's fully expected that Facebook will make many changes to its just-launched News Feed, it's never too early to get acquainted with the look. Luckily, it's not quite as drastic as previous redesigns (like the much-hated Timeline) but it does present some new ways to interact with friends, brands, and people you follow.

If you haven't yet signed up to get the new News Feed, get on the wait list now. Facebook says it will roll out the new design slowly to allow enough time to fix bugs and make improvements before releasing it to the masses.

Until then, get to know some of the stand-out features of the revamped News Feed.

Topical feeds

(Credit: Screenshot by Sharon Vaknin) For the most part, the previous News Feed only lets you navigate stories in two ways: "most recent" and "top stories." Now there are literally dozens of ways to view the latest stories from friends and people you follow. By default, you'll see the "News Feed" when you sign in, but on the far right, you can choose from more primary feeds like:

  • All Friends. Here's where you'll see everything your friends are sharing. Status updates, check-ins, music listening, and more all appear here. You won't see brand or celebs here -- this is a feed dedicated to the people you're act... [Read more]

    by Sharon Vaknin via CNET How To

Get started with Facebook's revamped News Feed Get started with Facebook's revamped News Feed Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on March 09, 2013 Rating: 5

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