The Social Security Administration's My Social Security service lets you create an online account for managing your benefits.
(Credit: Screenshot by Dennis O'Reilly/CNET)
Last Friday, the General Services Administration sent an e-mail alert to users of its System for Award Management (SAM), reporting that a security vulnerability exposed the users' names, taxpayer identification numbers (TINs), marketing partner information numbers, and bank account information to "[r]egistered SAM users with entity administrator rights and delegated entity registration rights."
The notice warned that "[r]egistrants using their Social Security Numbers instead of a TIN for purposes of doing business with the federal government may be at greater risk for potential identity theft." Also provided was a link to a page on the agency's site where SAM users could find information for protecting against identity theft and financial loss.
The message, which was sent by GSA Integrated Award Environment Acting Assistant Commissioner Amanda Fredriksen, included this suggestion: "We recommend that you monitor your bank accounts and notify your financial institution immediately if you find any discrepancies."
The GSA breach highlights the risks of using your SSN for identification rather than for only tax and government-benefits purposes.
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by Dennis O'Reilly via CNET How To
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