There are plenty of reasons why someone would need to backup their voicemails; perhaps for legal purposes or to save the voice of a deceased loved one. Whatever your reasons are, this guide will show you two ways to backup the voicemails from your iPhone in MP3 format.
Note: This tutorial is for Windows. The same concepts will apply for Mac operating systems but not all of the programs mentioned here are built for a Mac. You can still use this article as a guide but will not be able to follow it exactly.
There are two different methods we suggest as the best ways for backing up your iPhone voicemails. If you have iTunes installed and are able to sync your iPhone, you’ll be able to get 100% quality voicemail backups and preserve them in MP3 format. If you don’t have access to iTunes or are unable to sync your iPhone for any reason, there is another method available that takes a little more tinkering and produces near-transparent quality backups.
by Korbin Brown via How-To Geek
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