
How to customize your Facebook page for free

The free Social Fixer browser add-on provides a wealth of customization options for your Facebook account.

(Credit: Screenshot by Dennis O'Reilly/CNET)

Facebook is in the process of rolling out yet another interface revamp. As Sharon Vaknin described in a post earlier this month, the new look for the Facebook News Feed provides many new options for viewing your friends' posts.

You can add your name to the waiting list for the new-look News Feed, but you don't have to wait to enliven your Facebook page's appearance.

While the company provides only a handful of options for tweaking the look of your Facebook profile, Matt Kruse's free Social Fixer browser add-on (formerly named Better Facebook) takes Facebook customization to a new level. Social Fixer lets you update the social network's interface with a tabbed news feed, feed filters, image previews, and many other options.

Facebook's built-in customization features There's a boring sameness about Facebook profiles. Pretty much all you can do is add profile and cover photos, change what appears on your timeline, and twe... [Read more]

by Dennis O'Reilly via CNET How To

How to customize your Facebook page for free How to customize your Facebook page for free Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on March 20, 2013 Rating: 5

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