
How to get started with freelensing

Freelensing is a technique where you remove the lens from the front of your SLR or interchangeable lens camera, and hold it in position rather than locking it in place in the lens mount.

Tilting the lens back and forth gives you an effect that looks somewhat similar to that of a tilt-shift lens or a selective focus lens like a Lensbaby. Expect light leaks and lots of bokeh, or blur, thanks to the shift in the plane of focus.

A word of warning, freelensing is not for the faint-hearted, as you could drop your lens or get dust and dirt on your sensor. The results are worth it, but proceed with caution.

A subtle example of freelensing at work. Watch the video above for more examples.

(Credit: Lexy Savvides/CNET)

This post and video originally appeared on CNET Australia.

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by Lexy Savvides via CNET How To
How to get started with freelensing How to get started with freelensing Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on March 26, 2013 Rating: 5

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