
New BlackBerry 10 flagship to replace Z10 in time for Christmas

News Clare Hopping 11:12, 22 Mar 2013

BlackBerry will be adding a new flagship to its lineup and it'll be released by Christmas

BlackBerry is working on new BlackBerry 10 devices, including one to take over from the BlackBerry Z10 flagship.

This new smartphone will arrive by Christmas, according to BlackBerry CEO Thorsten Heins, although nothing more precise has been offered than that. He added he isn't 100 per cent sure it will arrive by Christmas, but that's what the company is working towards at the moment.

Heins told CNET, 'There's one new product I'm really excited about, but I can't really share it.....It takes BlackBerry 10 to another level in terms of the user experience.'

CNET reports that this device will come out before Christmas 2013 alongside a mid-tier handset and the BlackBerry Q10 which hasn't even been given a release date yet.

BlackBerry's strategy is to introduce three separate tiers of smartphone - flagship, mid-tier and lower-end, combining a touchscreen and Qwerty keyboard.

By the end of the year, there should be three or four devices available running BlackBerry 10.

BlackBerry 10 was announced in January, with the BlackBerry Z10 and BlackBerry Q10 as the first two devices launched. The BlackBerry Z10 went on sale on January 31 and consumer uptake was 'encouraging' according to Heins.

He wouldn't disclose how many handsets the company has sold since launch, but at the beginning of March Cannacord Genuity and Pacific Crest reported it was likely to be around the 300,000 mark.

We were impressed with the BlackBerry Z10, commenting that the UI and operating system were some of its finer points.

We concluded:' 'For a first stab, it certainly isn’t bad, in fact, it’s pretty darn great, innovating and playing safe all at the same time. But it does leave us a little confused – who would we recommend actually buy a BlackBerry Z10, bearing in mind this is a £550 flagship?'

We're interested to see what BlackBerry has up its sleeve regarding its next launches. The Z10 made a good start, but it's the consumer the Canadian company has to convince, not us open-minded journos.

by clareh via Featured Articles
New BlackBerry 10 flagship to replace Z10 in time for Christmas New BlackBerry 10 flagship to replace Z10 in time for Christmas Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on March 22, 2013 Rating: 5

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