
Raising Awareness on World Water Day Want to learn more about...

Raising Awareness on World Water Day

Want to learn more about World Water Day? Find the United Nations event nearest to you here. Explore and share your own World Water Day photos through the #worldwaterday hashtag.

Around the world, more than 780 million people live without ready access to clean, safe drinking water. For the 85% of the world’s population that lives in the driest half of the planet, existing resources are becoming increasingly scarce.

To raise awareness about issues affecting water and how we access it, the United Nations has designated March 22 as World Water Day.

Among the organizations participating in this year’s World Water Day is charity: water (@charitywater), which drills water wells in small towns around the world. To raise awareness, charity: water is hosting a “water walk” in Times Square to demonstrate how difficult it is to carry water across long distances.

They’re also engaging and promoting others who are raising awareness for water access, like @rideforwater, a team of five college students who are embarking on a cross-country bicycle tour to raise money for a new well.

WaterAid (@wateraid) is also participating, and, for the past 20 days, has been sharing through Instagram the numerous ways access to clean water improves people’s lives.

Here are just a few of the many other organizations on Instagram working to bring clean water to those around the world:

by via Instagram Blog
Raising Awareness on World Water Day Want to learn more about... Raising Awareness on World Water Day Want to learn more about... Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on March 22, 2013 Rating: 5

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