
Samsung Galaxy S IV leaked pictures: dissapointing design

The heralded Samsung Galaxy S IV will be unveiled in the just three days and in the meantime, new leaked images have just hit the web. These were posted in a Chinese Forum and offered not just a few measly pictures, but full-out detailed and up-close-and-personal pictures of the long awaited device. There's a lot of speculation about this newly-posted mystery device? Could it be the real deal?
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The outside casing doesn't get me hot and bothered.
A picture is worth a thousand words, but in this case, a thousand speculations. The GT-19502 that is presented here might not be the final version. We already know that Samsung often uses prototypes to test out their new devices' software and hardware, in order to still keep the actual new design under lock and key.
The one we see here looks very similar to the S III, except for a few minor changes. For one, the flash is underneath the camera lens as opposed to side-by-side, which we see with the S III. What's more, the speaker is found on the bottom left corner and the Home button has changed just a smidgen. This possible prototype holds a lot of similarities to the Samsung Galaxy Note II as well.

A prototype design with dazzling underlying hardware

There's a twist in the story when looking at the camera's internal hardware, as it's shown in the Anutu test. The device in question runs on Android 4.2.1, offers dazzling visuals on a full HD display with 1080p, up to par internal memory with 2 GB of RAM and a 13MP camera, a shutter bug's dream. Thanks to our avid readers and commentators, we are now aware of the dual SIM card symbol on the device. It is said that this dual-SIM version will be for the Chinese market.
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The underlaying data seems promising.
This prototype's legitimacy is still uncertain, but we don't have to wait much longer to find out for sure. The inner hardware and software specifications are, in my opinion, more trustworthy, however I definitely won't get all hot and bothered about the design.
Do you think that this is the ''real-deal'' design or do you think that Samsung has something much hotter up their sleeve?

by Loie Favre via AndroidPIT News
Samsung Galaxy S IV leaked pictures: dissapointing design Samsung Galaxy S IV leaked pictures: dissapointing design Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on March 11, 2013 Rating: 5

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