
SwiftKey Tablet Keyboard -- Top Speed Typing!

We complain about it a lot, but in all honesty the stock Android keypad isn't all bad. That said, there are better alternatives out there and we've tested a fair amount of them for you. Over the past few weeks, I've been using SwiftKey X and have been very satisfied with it overall. I prefer the SwiftKey concept to that of Swype, but of course that's a matter of personal taste. SwiftKey Tablet Keyboard is the tablet version (no d-uh) and we've tested it out for you. Read on for more deets.

Update: Swiftkey has come out with several new features and functions, and so we felt it was high time we updated this smart app for you – especially considering that as our app of the week it's going for a special discount price of only €1.69. If you're a tablet owner you should go ahead and check it out!

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by Jay O. via AndroidPIT News + App Tests RSS Feed
SwiftKey Tablet Keyboard -- Top Speed Typing! SwiftKey Tablet Keyboard -- Top Speed Typing! Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on March 27, 2013 Rating: 5

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