
Upload videos from your iPad with YouTube Capture

If you are frustrated that YouTube's iOS app doesn't let you upload videos, then you missed YouTube Capture's release last December. Google decided to keep video uploading separate from video viewing. YouTube Capture made it easy to capture, lightly edit, and upload videos from your iPhone or iPod Touch, but there was no love shown for those who wanted to perform such a trick with an iPad. Now, with yesterday's update, YouTube Capture is universal, bringing iPad videographers into the fold.

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After installing the app, you'll need to sign in to your YouTube account, allow the app to access your Camera Roll, and sa... [Read more]

by Matt Elliott via CNET How To

Upload videos from your iPad with YouTube Capture Upload videos from your iPad with YouTube Capture Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on March 15, 2013 Rating: 5


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