
BlackBerry World Wednesday – New Apps and Games for BlackBerry 10

What better day than Wednesday to check out some new additions to the BlackBerry World storefront? It’s mid-week and it’s time to take an app break. Walk away from your computer, pick up your BlackBerry 10 device and give yourself a well deserved (but quick), gaming break. Last week, I confessed my healthy addiction to online poker – this week, I’m getting in some classic gaming action with Bejeweled 2 for BlackBerry 10.

New BlackBerry 10 Apps and Games


News & Magazines

Utilities & Productivity:

Lifestyle & Entertainment

Navigation & Travel

There you have it, a fine list, if I ever did see one – but you should also get excited for some amazing titles that are coming soon to BlackBerry World like: Cosmopolitan magazine, Batman Dark Knight, Galaxy on Fire 2, Sim City Deluxe and OxygenLive. Which apps will you be checking out this week?

by Donny H. via Inside BlackBerry
BlackBerry World Wednesday – New Apps and Games for BlackBerry 10 BlackBerry World Wednesday – New Apps and Games for BlackBerry 10 Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on April 10, 2013 Rating: 5

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