
iPhone 4 AntennaGate compensation payments start arriving

News Clare Hopping 09:03, 24 Apr 2013

Compensation cheques for faulty iPhone 4s have started arriving in the US - will the UK follow soon?

iPhone 4 compensation cheques have started arriving, following the antennagate saga from almost three years ago.

According to TUAW, settlement cheques to the tune of $15 started dropping on doormats across the US yesterday.

One of the website's readers said, 'My $15 Apple iPhone4 AntennaGate settlement check came today. It has been so long I forgot what it was for and had to look it up'.

AntennaGate refers to a massive flaw in the iPhone 4. On release, it because obviously that the metal strip around the outside edge of the iPhone interfered with phone reception, resulting in calls dropping frequently if it was held in a certain position.

A lawsuit ensued where it was said Apple had been 'misrepresenting and concealing material information in the marketing, advertising, sale and servicing of its iPhone 4 -- particularly as it relates to the quality of the mobile phone antenna and reception and related software.'

The case was finally settled in February 2012. We have no idea why it's taken more than a year to send cheques out though. Those who have received a cheque have until July 16 to cash them.

at the moment, there's no word if or when UK iPhone 4 customers will get compensation.

Have you received your payout from Apple following on from AntennaGate? If so, tell us in the comments below.

by clareh via Featured Articles
iPhone 4 AntennaGate compensation payments start arriving iPhone 4 AntennaGate compensation payments start arriving Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on April 24, 2013 Rating: 5

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