
MeteoEarth - Accurate weather for on the go!

The makers of the all-time favorite weather app WeatherPro have done it again and the've come up with something new. Last Thursday, the app MeteoEarth made its debut in the Play Store. But what can it do?

MeteoEarth presents very picturesque and sleek weather information on a world map, just like you see on TV. As a matter of fact, the presentation is actually based on the same service that many TV channels are using. You can imagine how good the information quality must be. If you want to learn more about the app, it's available with us as the app of the week at an even cheaper price. Read more about it in our app test review before you make your purchase!

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by Loie Favre via AndroidPIT News + App Tests RSS Feed
MeteoEarth - Accurate weather for on the go! MeteoEarth - Accurate weather for on the go! Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on April 10, 2013 Rating: 5

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