
Chasing Art, Adding Artists with @joshuabgeyer Want to learn...

Chasing Art, Adding Artists with @joshuabgeyer

Want to learn more about street art in NYC? Be sure to follow Joshua @joshuabgeyer and artists @jr, @aakashnihalani, @alicepasquini, @oleknycand @kennyscharfon Instagram

Since modern graffiti first appeared on the subways in the 1970s, New York City has been a hub for street art. In the past, many of the artists behind these works chose to protect their identities and remain anonymous for fear of consequences, but the tide is changing as the art form gains more popular acceptance.

New York photographer Joshua Geyer (@joshuabgeyer) unveils the layers of anonymity with Instagram. Committed to visually documenting the city’s street art, Joshua uses Instagram and his knowledge of the street art community to connect his followers with artists. “Just seeing and photographing the art wasn’t enough for me. I wanted to know who did this piece, who put that sticker there, or how long did that mural take, etc…I became obsessed with learning as much as I could,” he explains. “And I always add context to my pictures so others can learn from me and know the artists behind the work.”

By adding artists on Instagram to his photos and mentioning them in his captions and comments, Joshua’s followers can discover new artists and the artists themselves can source photos of their work from the Instagram community. “I am a strong believer of giving credit where credit is due,” he explains. “My followers love seeing new work from new artists and the artists love having new people appreciate their gifts. It really is a win-win situation and it makes me happy to be able to help make that connection.”

by via Instagram Blog
Chasing Art, Adding Artists with @joshuabgeyer Want to learn... Chasing Art, Adding Artists with @joshuabgeyer Want to learn... Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on May 04, 2013 Rating: 5

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