HTC’s big marketing bid for its latest crop of smartphone tech has kicked off under the moniker ‘Here’s To Change’.
The campaign stars Robert Downey Jr and a number of other recognisable faces (Jon Polito) coming up with off-the-wall ideas for what HTC stands for, including ‘Huge Tinfoil Catamaran’, ‘Hipster Troll Carwash’, ‘Hot Tea Catapult’ and ‘Hold This Cat’. Apparently this kind of zaniness will ‘invoke interest and talkability amongst consumers.’
This latest marketing push is being piloted by HTC’s new chief marketing officer Ben Ho who is spending a cool $1 billion on the Downey Jr.-led campaign alone – that’s the entirety of the company’s marketing budget last year on one campaign. It’s not clear how much of that is being spent on Downey Jr, but he has been contracted for two years to star in the ads and give creative input.
The whole advertising campaign will run for 36 months with three phases. The two minute TV spot, which will air from Thursday 15 August and at first HTC’s campaign won’t involve much talk of the actual phones or their capabilities just yet.
That’s being saved for later, presumably after HTC has launched more devices such as the HTC One Max, expected to arrive at IFA 2013 in early September.
The first stage is pegged to ‘playfully’ highlight HTC’s brand. There’s no outline for when the second and third stages will begin, but phase two will ‘feature executions which highlight how HTC innovations like BlinkFeed, Video Highlights and BoomSound have changed the face of the mobile industry’.
After that, the ads will focus on ‘how HTC products empower individuals to drive change in their own lives.’
by pbriden via Featured Articles
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