
[Download] YouTube Gets Updated to v5.1.10

youtube Following in the wake of the Gmail, Hangouts and Google Search updates today, YouTube has also been updated, this time to v5.1.10. The new updates brings in features like new video notifications, adds a promoted video to your home menu as well as giving you more options, such as “Share” and “Add to” for the contextual menu on videos. For embarassing video-watching folk, you can now also use the overlay menu to clear your watched history.

There is currently an issue for videos that are linked externally to a address as it will send you back to the browser instead of the YouTube app. Oh well, at this rate, there will be another update next week anyway.

If the update hasn’t rolled out where you are, do not despair for we have the apk available for download down below. Let us know if you spot anything else different about this update.

YouTube update link 1

YouTube update link 2

Source: Android Police

by Stephen Yuen via AndroidSPIN
[Download] YouTube Gets Updated to v5.1.10 [Download] YouTube Gets Updated to v5.1.10 Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on September 26, 2013 Rating: 5

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