There are some reports around the web after this week’s Patch Tuesday that a couple of the updates, when installed on the Dell Venue 8 Pro, cause Wi-Fi to stop working.
My friend Auri Rahimzadeh has identified the two updates that cause the non-functioning wi-fi and he tells you how to restore it until a fix is issued by Microosft.
The two updates that have to be dealt with are KB2887595 and KB2903939 both of which are update rollups that combine past fixes into one update package.
Auri has also posted about several things in a another blog post, Things I’ve learned about the Dell Venue 8 Pro Windows tablet, which may help all of you who recently picked up the Windows 8.1 tablet.
Included in his post are instructions for accessing the BIOS, speeding up SSD access, getting back 5GB of disk space and disabling the backlight.
Hope these tips help everyone out.
Thanks for the post Auri.
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