
This week in Sony: The tunes of 2013, PS Store for PS Mobile hits new countries, summer memories and a Sony Music Christmas classic playlist

We’re nearly there folks. Just a few days to go until Christmas. Here’s hoping you receive all the gadgets, games and great gifts that you’ve asked for. Now, to get you prepped for all the Sony goodies you’ll no doubt collect, here’s what has been going on in our world this week.

First off, Eoghan et al. over at The Take Out give you a chance to win a Xperia Z1 this week. They also talk about The Amazing Spiderman 2 (refusing to give too much detail away… you’ll just have to wait ‘til next year) and get a bit jealous of Julian Casablanca’s fashion sense (apparently he’s rocking scarves covering interesting places) in Daft Punk’s latest music video for “Instant Crush.”

Next, PlayStation Store for PlayStation Mobile has now expanded into 18 countries with new additions including Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and New Zealand. If you haven’t already downloaded the app, click here.

A laptop skin is a great way to customize your tech. Sony got together with designer Simone Legno to skin a VAIO Fit in his incredible tokidoki characters.

Watch the video as he gives us an exclusive look at his character brainstorm and creative process, explaining how he uses both hand drawings and technology to bring his designs to life. At the end of the film you’ll see one seriously well-dressed laptop.

Summer daisies

Have you forgotten what summer looks like? A stunning photograph of summer daisies taken by an amateur photographer using a Sony Bridge camera will be the July image in the BBC Countryfile Calendar. The image, captured by David Jackson from Kendal in the UK, was chosen from 57,000 entries. Bring back the sunshine we say.

Want to know what was the best music of 2013? Check out the Music Unlimited staff picks over at the Sony Entertainment Network Blog. Start here and here to find amazing new music from the likes of Matt Pond, Mikal Cronin, Air Review, Hey Marseilles and much, much more.

And if that’s still not enough music for you, the guys at Legacy Recordings have been going through the Sony Music archives to create a YouTube playlist of all your favourite Christmas classics, from Maria to Whitney to the Ronettes. You can even watch a warming Yule Log fire as you gift your ears. Festive fantastic.

And that’s it…

Have an incredible Christmas. We’ll be back with lots more Sony news in the New Year.

by anthony via Blog Portal
This week in Sony: The tunes of 2013, PS Store for PS Mobile hits new countries, summer memories and a Sony Music Christmas classic playlist This week in Sony: The tunes of 2013, PS Store for PS Mobile hits new countries, summer memories and a Sony Music Christmas classic playlist Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on December 20, 2013 Rating: 5

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